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Resolving Unwanted Emails to no-reply Address with AWS SES and STOP_RULE_SET


In the fast-paced world of app development, every hurdle presents an opportunity to learn and optimize. During a recent app development endeavor, our team encountered a perplexing issue with an influx of emails to our designated no-reply address inundating our Amazon SES mail server. The conundrum led us on a journey to explore the intricacies of managing no-reply emails effectively. We needed to find a solution to discard these emails without resorting to the addition of another lambda function for processing. In this technical blog, we’ll delve into the challenges we faced, the AWS documentation’s role (or lack thereof), and the solution we ultimately implemented using the STOP_RULE_SET action.

The Challenge: Unwanted Emails Clogging SES Mail Server

While developing our application, we noticed a concerning pattern: a high volume of emails was piling up on our SES mail server. The catch was that these emails were all addressed to our no-reply address. As this was a non-interactive address meant solely for sending out notifications, there was no need for incoming emails to this address. The unexpected influx of emails was causing unnecessary strain on our resources and affecting the performance of our application.

The AWS SES Documentation Dive

Turning to Amazon Web Services (AWS) documentation seemed like a logical step to address the issue. However, the provided documentation initially left us scratching our heads. The elusive solution we sought seemed to dance between the lines, just out of reach. One option that caught our attention was the STOP_RULE_SET action. It seemed like the right tool for the job, as it allowed us to drop certain emails before they could cause further disruptions. Specifically, if the recipient’s email address matched a predefined pattern, we could use STOP_RULE_SET to effectively discard those emails.

Hitting Roadblocks with STOP_RULE_SET

The STOP_RULE_SET option appeared to be our silver bullet for managing bounce emails. Yet, despite our efforts to implement it, the desired outcome remained elusive. The recipient-specific filtering we envisioned just wasn’t working as intended. This left us puzzled and wondering whether we were missing a crucial piece of the puzzle.

The Surprising Role of SNS Topics

After some persistent digging, we stumbled upon a seemingly unrelated revelation that would prove to be the key to unlocking STOP_RULE_SET’s potential. It turns out that although AWS documentation presented the SNS (Simple Notification Service) topic as an optional component, it was a pivotal requirement for STOP_RULE_SET to function as intended.

In a twist of fate, this discovery shed light on our predicament. We had neglected to configure an SNS topic, assuming it was an ancillary feature. With newfound clarity, we realized that the STOP_RULE_SET action relied on SNS to trigger the desired rule set suspension. This explained why our recipient-specific filtering was failing; the missing SNS topic was akin to a conductor-less orchestra.

Eureka Moment: The Power of SNS Topic

Armed with this newfound insight, we swiftly moved to configure an SNS topic. The purpose of the SNS topic in this context is to serve as a communication channel. It allows SES to send notifications about email events, such as STOP_RULE_SET actions, to other AWS services or external endpoints. By setting up the SNS topic, we enabled SES to effectively utilize the STOP_RULE_SET action.

Implementing the Solution

With the SNS topic in place, we revisited the STOP_RULE_SET configuration. This time, we provided the necessary SNS topic information alongside the action. The moment of truth arrived as we monitored the flood of incoming emails. To our satisfaction, the STOP_RULE_SET action began working seamlessly. Emails addressed to our no-reply address were now being intercepted and discarded, significantly alleviating the strain on our SES mail server.


Our journey through the challenge of managing unwanted emails to our no-reply address led us down an unexpected path. While the AWS documentation provided insights into the STOP_RULE_SET action, it was the realization of the importance of an SNS topic that truly unlocked the solution. Through this experience, we learned the critical nature of seemingly optional parameters and how a small configuration detail can make a monumental difference in the functionality of AWS services.

As developers, we’re reminded that documentation is not always an exhaustive guide and that critical insights can sometimes hide in the corners. The bounce email challenge showcased the dynamism and complexity of modern development, where creative problem-solving and attention to detail often hold the key to success. So, the next time you find yourself grappling with a technical hurdle, remember the role that hidden dependencies might play in the solution.

In our pursuit of seamless app development, we emerged not only with a resolution to our bounce email predicament but also with a deeper understanding of how different components within a service can interact to produce desired outcomes.