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Successful Digital Transformations: Doing First Things First!!

Not a day goes by without coming across myriad posts on digital transformation. While most have valid points to make, the challenge is that they mostly talk about coming trends that organizations should adopt. Only a few acknowledge the fact that you can’t simply bolt on new tools and technologies and get the maximum benefit from them.

This blog shares my perspective and experience of being in Technology space for over 2 decades combined with a study of some organizations that have started embracing a different route to bring about effective digital and in turn organizational transformation.

1) Core Modernization

In order to traverse the distance from where the business is now to where it wants to go, the first step is to understand its current capabilities. The next step is to define the to be state. Once the organization understands where it is and where it wants to go, it can decide which modernization strategy it should employ and define the plan to get there. I prefer to label this entire life-cycle as re-platform, revitalize and remediate.

In order to bring about meaningful, long term change, teams must be involved in the change and they must talk about and reason about processes and systems in fundamentally different ways.

2) The Business Of Technology

One of my core beliefs is that technology is an enabler for business. Business is what it’s all about and not technology. I call it the “business of technology”. The key principle is that technology should be leveraged and optimally utilized to deliver the business strategy. The more, we the tech guys, deliver to enhance the growth of the business, the more the business can invest in the growth of its digital footprint.

For this to happen, everyone in the organization must come to see themselves as growth enablers. The way to make this happen is to involve teams in co-creating the strategy that they will have to implement.

The Bottom Line

Continually adding to the legacy code that was already in place is what has made core modernization so challenging. In most cases, simply adding new capabilities either won’t work at all or will result in a fraction of the benefits that could be had with a more modern core.

It is essential to understand what capabilities you currently have in order to determine how best to proceed based on where the organization wants to go and how it plans to get there. Having done this well, implementing modern technologies becomes quicker, easier and potentially as game-changing as many predict — but core modernization must come first.

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