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The Audience Is Where The Mobile Is

No matter where you go these days, you see everybody in the same posture: head bowed, barely noticeable movement, with eyes, fixated downward. They’re all doing the same thing-peering keenly at just one thing- their mobile screens and -at an application developed by mobile developers. Thus, it comes as no surprise that mobile app development is becoming a critical enterprise IT skill. But still, many companies approach UX by designing for the desktop first and then simplifying the UX down for mobile devices.

Why should you stop degradation?

For years, mobile design wasn’t on the top-of-mind, and at the best, was an afterthought. This has now changed – mobile-first has become the norm. Home usage of personal computers continues to decline, while access to mobile sites and Apps is seeing triple-digit growth. This switch has forced all of us to develop for mobile-first and web second.

Here are the top 4 reasons you should focus on mobile-first for your next project:

4. New Opportunities

Mobile is great for business. Searches are being conducted, purchases are being made, and websites—including your website—are being visited all on mobile devices. Mobile offers convenience that is unrivaled and allows potential consumers to connect with your brand at any time.

3. Faster Load Time

By starting with mobile-first, images and layouts can be optimized for the small screen size, which will improve load time for your site. Studies have shown that longer load times can lead to frustration and abandonment by visitors, which can affect your bottom line.

2. Mobile is the New Desktop

 Statistics prove that mobile is growing, and it’s growing fast. This is because smartphones provide a convenience that enables users to constantly be connected. Any time people want to do a Google search or visit a website, all they ought to do is to pull their phone out of their pockets.

1. Focus on What is Important and the User

With the average mobile device having 80% less screen space than the desktop computer, narrowing a site down to just essential content is strategic. Applying the limitations of mobile forces better content, better navigation, better design, and enhanced user experience. 

If you haven’t already considered the importance of mobile, you could be missing out on critical customer interaction platforms AND potential revenue. 

Let’s make your next project “Mobile-first”.

Nuage knows that every app starts with an idea. Our team starts with a deep dive to identify features and UX to get your idea ticking for the best. Our highly experienced team works with you to define the feature set and the optimum user experience to ensure that the App truly reflects your idea. We have experience in deploying applications and have helped app owners in the past in passing all strict standards required by all major app stores.

We also help app owners analyze the performance of their existing app and help in preparing strategies for getting better user engagement, finding and developing more features, and preparing a plan for future releases.